Our journey to our 9th Green Flag
Global Citizenship; Travel
It was great to cut the ribbon on our 9th Green Flag this morning and celebrate our work and success with the Green School's Programme and all we did on the theme of Global Citizenship : Travel. Well done to the Green Committee for their outstanding commitment to the programme over the past two years and for raising so much awareness about the benefits of sustainable travel.
What's it all about?
2022-2024 our work on the Green Schools Programme will be to focus on the theme of Global Citizenship: Travel. We will learn about sustainable transport options and be encouraged to incorporate healthy and active travel habits for our journey to school.
The Global Citizenship Travel theme is a revision theme for our school, as well as an opportunity to focuses on four Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are most relevant to the theme of Travel.
• SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-being
• SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities
• SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
• SDG 13 – Climate Action
By the end of the two year programme we hope to have learnt about
1. The positive benefits which active travel has on our health and well-being and the impacts of air quality.
2 Understand issues such as reduced inequalities in relation to accessing and partaking in sustainable travel mobility.
3. Learn through case studies, examples of planning and developing sustainable travel within towns and cities.
4. Understand how transport emissions are directly linked to climate change, and explore the many ways how individuals can contribute to lowering harmful greenhouse gases.
The Global Citizenship Travel theme is a revision theme for our school, as well as an opportunity to focuses on four Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are most relevant to the theme of Travel.
• SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-being
• SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities
• SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
• SDG 13 – Climate Action
By the end of the two year programme we hope to have learnt about
1. The positive benefits which active travel has on our health and well-being and the impacts of air quality.
2 Understand issues such as reduced inequalities in relation to accessing and partaking in sustainable travel mobility.
3. Learn through case studies, examples of planning and developing sustainable travel within towns and cities.
4. Understand how transport emissions are directly linked to climate change, and explore the many ways how individuals can contribute to lowering harmful greenhouse gases.
All this week, Oct 2nd -6th, the girls in our school have been going 'the extra mile' to get walking and scooting to school in an effort to cut down on using the car reduce fuel emissions and celebrate National Walk to School Week. The results have been amazing with over 72% of our pupils taking a more sustainable mode of travelling to school. Well done to everyone and to the Green Committee for co0rdinating the initiative and keeping on top of the surveys everyday.
Visit from An Taisce Oct 2023
We were thrilled to welcome Jennifer Muscheidt from An Taisce into our school today, on the same day as we were celebrating WOW day and National Walk to School Week. Jennifer met the Green Committee who wowed her with their knowledge, commitment and passion to all matters 'green' and especially their ongoing focus and hardwork towards our 9th Green Flag for our school on the theme of Global Citizenship and Travel.
Garden Clean Up Sept 2023
Sincere thanks to all those who turned up to give our Wildlife Garden a much needed make-over. The place was transformed in just under two hours proving that many hands really do make light work! Mile buiochas libh go leir.
Special Thanks
A huge thanks to the pupils and parents who turned up for the garden clean up on Thursday the 22nd of September despite the heavy rain earlier in the day. The whole evening was a great success with the sun making a brief appearance and 'the many hands making light work' of all that had to be done.
A Special Visitor to our School - Nov 17th 2022
Mrs Henry and the Green Committee were delighted to welcome Allison Philips from An Taisce's Green Schools to our school today to help get us started on our work for the 9th Green Flag for Global Citizenship :Travel. Allison was very impressed with the Committee and the amount of work they've done already towards our 9th Green Flag goals. Allison completed the Travels surveys in all classes and left one for the staff to complete. You can check out the responses here below.
An Taisce's 2nd Visit - Dec 9th 2022
Despite the awful weather, treacherous, icy, road conditions, Allison went to great lengths to make a return visit to school today to complete the Walkability Audit but alas we had to stay indoors and it wasnt to be today unfortunately. That said the committee and I met with Allison for an informal meeting and discussed a range of topics and plans going forward. Hopefully when she comes back to us the next time the weather will be on our side!!
Christmas Decoration
Competition from Recycled Materials
A massive well done and thank you to all those who went to such creative and artistic lengths in designing and making their very own Christmas Decoration from recycled materials. The standard of decoration this year was just incredible so a huge well done to the ten girls and their respective decoration who were selected to represent the whole school at the overall competition organised by DunLoaghaire Rathdown County Council. In many ways, every girl was a winner in that all the decorations received have been hung on our school Christmas Tree for everyone to admire. Special thanks to Gleesons of Booterestown Avenue for sponsoring our tree again this year.