Classroom news:
Our Microsoft Ambassadors presenting about Cybersafety (February 2025)
Chinese New Year (January 2025)
Lots of classes have been celebrating Chinese New Year, and the incoming 'Year of the Snake'. We had an assembly celebrating chinese culture, and lots of art activities to mark this yearly occasion.
5th Class Trip to EPIC Museum (January 2025)
Our Fifth Class had an EPIC trip in January 2025. As part of their module, learning about the Irish Famine, the students went on a tour of the Jennie Johnston Famine Ship, and the EPIC, Irish Emigration Museum. The students learned all about this dark chapter of Irish History, and how it continues to affect Ireland today. Thank you to their teacher, Ms Ní Fhaolain for organising.
Book Club Christmas Party (December 2024)
Ms Cervi's Junior Infant Christmas Play (December 2024)

Our Junior Infant stars in Ms Cervi's class performed the Play 'Busy Busy Bethlehem, and what a show! They were amazing! Thank you to Ms Cervi and Karen for organising, the whole school loved it!
Ms Holden's Junior Infant Christmas Play (December 2024)
Ms Moloney's 3rd Class Christmas Play (December 2024)
Ms Collins Junior Infant Christmas Play (December 2024)
6th Class Ice Skating (December 2024)
Our Wonderful Sixth class took to the ice in Dundrum, and went Ice Skating! It was a fun and festive activity for this season!
Our Amazing Christmas Doors (December 2024)
Our students and teachers had great fun with an 'Art Attack' Christmas door challenge! The students had a small amount of time to work together to create a Christmas door for their classroom. And look how well they turned out!
Halloween Assembly! (October 2024)
Our New Student Council (October 2024)
National Children's Concert (October 2024)
Our fifth and sixth class students are taking part in the National Childrens Choir this year, which will take place next year. They are learning 15 songs, which they will sing with many other school across the country. We wish them, and their teachers Ms Cumiskey, Ms Walshe and Ms Ní Fhaolain all the best with their preparation for this.
Retreat for our Sixth Class Student (October 2024)
Our Sixth Class students enjoyed a wonderful retreat day in the De La Salle Centre, Ballyfermot on Wednesday. As well as working together in groups and sharing their thoughts and reflections on being in 6th Class, they got to enjoy lots of fun games together and found the whole day a very enriching experience.
Kindness and Caring Week (September 2024)

We had an amazing Kindness and Caring Assembly with our Sixth Class Students. Thank you to all the students for celebrating this wonderful and important week. The events included:
Monday: ‘Random Act of Kindness’ Day (Flag Raising Ceremony)
Tuesday: ‘Be Grateful/Say Thank You’ Day
Wednesday: ‘Code of Behaviour’ Day
Thursday: ‘Make a New Friend’ Day (Walk a mile with a smile)
Friday: Special Assembly with presentation of certificates
Monday: ‘Random Act of Kindness’ Day (Flag Raising Ceremony)
Tuesday: ‘Be Grateful/Say Thank You’ Day
Wednesday: ‘Code of Behaviour’ Day
Thursday: ‘Make a New Friend’ Day (Walk a mile with a smile)
Friday: Special Assembly with presentation of certificates
Altruism Launch Event (September 2024)
Thank you for attending the launch on Friday 20th of September. Please see the newsletter attached. We would appreciate any support you can provide us. If you are in a position too, we would ask for your donation to our cause.
lease see the: ALTRUISM LINK: BANK IBAN: IE04BOFI90111664250623 Link to CHY3 FORM: If we received a donation above €250, we will gain over 30% taxback, that will make a massive difference to achieved our €200,000 target: |
Art in Junior Infants (September 2024)

Well done to our Junior Infants for their efforts with the amazing Markey Robinson family art they constructed! We are so proud of you.
Sixth Class raising money for charity (June 2024)
Aladdin Production in Fifth Class (June 2024)
Olympics in Ms' Collins Fourth Class (June 2024)
In an exciting initiative to bring the spirit of the Olympics into our learning, we have transformed our classroom into a vibrant Olympic village! As part of our mini Olympics project, the girls are immersing themselves in various activities that embody the essence of the Games. Each girl has participated in their own wow Olympic-themed group project, which included writing their own Olympic creeds, poems and songs, making their own 3D models, creating their own PowerPoint presentations
as well as participating in daily team mini Olympic Games. This hands-on approach not only celebrates athleticism and teamwork but also fosters creativity and collaboration among the girls. |
Glasnavin Cemetery (May 2024)
Our Sixth Class girls made a trip to Glasnavin Cemetery. This year, the girls were studying Irish history, and figures in Irish history, and this trip complimented their learning so much. |
Microsoft Ambassadors (May 2024)
Free Library (May 2024)
Coding Arcade Games (April 2024)
Our Microsoft ambassadors created arcade games as part of their training. They used the coding software 'makecode' to assist with this. Lots of classes came to our hall to enjoy the games. Well done girls!
Senior Infant Assembly (April 2024)
Meet the Author (April 2024)
Project Work in First Class (April 2024)
Well done to our First Class students for all their hard work on completing animal projects. The students use Kiddle, to research their animals, their appearance, their habitats etc, and created amazing projects. We are so proud of them!
Microsoft Trip for our Fifth Class (April 2024)

Our fifth class girls participated in 'Girls in ICT' day in Microsoft.
Overnight Trip in Sixth Class (April 2024)
Our Sixth class students had a blast at their overnight school trip to Carlingford. They completed lots of activities, including Outdoor team building, water sports, laser combat, netted adventure sports.
Fabric and Fibre Stitching in Fifth Class (March 2024)
We have some talented sewers in fifth class. They stitched fabric to make amazing Easter Egg creations. The girls love this fabric and fibre art lesson! Well done Girls!
Fifth class in ESB Science Blast (March 2024)

Our fifth class students made the school so proud by participating in the ESB Science Blast. They worked on the experiment 'Does Water Sound different at different temperature?'
Senior Infant trip to Lexicon Library for a workshop (Feb 2024)
Sixth class trip to Airfield Estate (Feb 2024)
Our Sixth class went to Airfield estate in Dundrum. The girls learned about the produce grown in our locality and about People Working in our Community. They engaged in a fun kitchen workshop in Airfield Estate and sampled the produce.
Egg dropping Experiment in fourth class (Feb 2024)
Our 4th class turned into engineers and created devices to safety drop an egg from a height. The students planned their devices, and constructed them, all during engineering week!
3D models in 3rd Class (Feb 2024)
Well done to 3rd class for creating amazing 3D models of a motte and baileys.
Book Borrowing in First Class (Jan 2024)
For the first time, first class borrowed books from our amazing library. Thank you to our wonderful parents for assisting with this each week.
Wellbeing Week in Sixth Class (Jan 2024)
Tinfoil Sculptures in Sixth Class (Jan 2024)

Well done to our fantastic artists in Sixth class for the sculptures they created using Tinfoil. The girls were focusing on goals for 2024 and staying healthy and well.
Paired Reading in Junior Infants (Jan 2024)
The Junior Infants really enjoyed their paired reading time with the sixth class girls. They got to listen to stories and chat to our older students, all in aid of developing a love for reading, and developing reading and communication skills.
Letters to our local nursing home from 4th class (Dec 2023)
Musicals in Junior Infants and First Class (Dec 2023)
Well done to our Junior Infants and 1st class on their Christmas plays this week. They were amazing, and full of festive cheer! Well done to the teachers and staff members for organising.
Panto visit for Junior Infants to 4th class (Dec 2023)
Our Junior Infants to fourth class went on their theatre visit to the mill theatre to watch the sleeping beauty Panto. It was a brilliant experience and the panto was wonderful!
Dublinia 4th class Visit (Nov 2023)
Gate Theatre Visit (Nov 2023)
Our fifth and sixth class girls went on their theatre visit to the gate theatre to watch Peter Pan by Roddy Doyle. It was a brilliant experience and the play was wonderful! Thank you Gate Theatre!
Garda Síochana Halloween Visit (Oct 2023)
Members of our Local Garda Síochana branch in Blackrock visited the girls from 3rd to 6th class to discuss our to stay safe during Halloween. The girls learned about the dangers of fire, and fireworks, and strategies to have the best and safest Halloween. Thank you to Garda David and Garda Ciara for their informative talk.
Sixth class reaching new heights in Croke Park (Oct 2023)
Our Sixth class girls went on a trip to Croke Park to complete the Skyline tour and museum. It was a great trip, full of fun and learning. The girls learned about Irish Sport and Culture, and got a skyline view of the city from the top of Croke Park.
2nd class visit to local library (Oct 2023)
On Wednesday, 2nd class had a very exciting trip to Blackrock Library. Where we were greated by two very talented artists and illustrators Niamh Sharkey and Mary Murphy.
Both artists use very different techniques to create amazing drawings. Mary used her computer to create a lot of images. Niamh uses water colour and old toothbrushes to create vibrant pictures. The girls in 2nd class got to create amazing Halloween characters. |
Frasaí Na Seachtaine (Oct 2023)
Sisters of Mercy day Assembly (Sept 2023)
Our Library Reopening. (Sept 2023)
Sixth class trip to the Tenement Museum. (Sept 2023)
What a day! Our Sixth class went to the tenement museum in Henrietta Street. There guided tours bring you on a journey from the house's grand Georgian beginnings to the tenement dwellings of its later years. It was a great experience, as our girls are learning about tenement dwellings.