Global Citizenship; Energy
Year 2 of our two year cycle 2019-2020
As we begin year two, of our two, year programme for Global Citizenship:Energy, the committee and I are really looking forward to an exciting year ahead. The main plan for this year’s Committee is to focus attention on the whole area of Global Citizenship Energy and raising awareness on how looking after our environment aids people all over the world as well making improvements to the schools Energy Management. We will also focus further on our commitment to Fair Trade and our links with our International Neighbours and friends across the globe. We will keep a close focus on all that we have achieved to date under the Green Schools Programme. In particular this year, we are planning on making a huge effort to reduce the amount of plastics being used in and around the school . We will be looking at the impact plastic has on the environment on energy usage and wastage. The aim of the project will be to raise awareness about the amount of plastic being used in our world, the difficulties around it being recycled and look at alternative reusable materials. Our Green Committee addressed the whole school at a recent assembly about ways in which we can avoid using plastic for as they said, Less Plastic is Fantastic !!
Our School Garden Sept 2019
It was lovely to see the growth and development in the garden following the summer holidays. The girls literally got to enjoy 'the fruits of their labour' in cutting the rhubarb to make rhubarb crumble, eating some of the juiciest apples from our trees and enjoying the scent and taste of the onions and the wide variety of herb plants which were growing out there.
Special thanks to Martha De Buitleir and Oksana Kvasnytska for the enormous amount of help they gave at last Wednesday's garden clean up day.We greatly appreciate you giving so generously of your time and energy.
Special thanks to Martha De Buitleir and Oksana Kvasnytska for the enormous amount of help they gave at last Wednesday's garden clean up day.We greatly appreciate you giving so generously of your time and energy.
Trinity Visit to Our Lady Of Mercy June 2019
Special thanks to Mr Kieron McGovern who took the time out of his busy schedule as an engineer in Trinity College to talk to the girls about Energy Saving Tips and sustainable living. It was a most comprehensive talk, highlighting the benefits of energy saving measures at a local and international level. Mr McGovern was equally impressed with the level of insight amongst the girls into all matters green and praised their commitment and interest in supporting the energy programme in our school.
We were delighted to welcome the judges of this year's Tidy Schools in the Community Competition into our school last Friday 8th April 2019. After visiting the two yards and soaking up the pleasures of the New Wildlife Garden, they gave us very positive feedback and praised everyone for keeping our school so clean and tidy.
Earth Hour
As part of our commitment to the Green Schools Programme, we hope you all played your part for Earth Hour on Saturday night and switched off some of the lights.
'A Poem as Lovely as a Tree'
In preparation for National Tree Week which runs from the 31st March to the 7th April, classes from 2nd to 6th were invited to enter a poetry competition organised by The Pearse Museum and St Enda's Park entitled, 'A Poem as Lovely as Tree'. We had a great response from all the girls with fabulous poems about the beauty and benefit of trees, all of which have been posted off to the competition organisers. Copies of each of the poems have been put on display on the junior corridor for all to read and enjoy.
Our Green Notice Board
Keeping us all informed on everything that's happening around the school in relation to our Green Programme............
Green Code
Global Citizenship; Energy
Here in Our Lady of Mercy
We’ve moved on to our next green theme
To work with our global neighbours in
Saving energy and keeping our world clean
Renewable energy is what we should choose,
so let’s turn our backs on fossil fuels.
Close the windows and let in the sun
A healthier environment for everyone
Global Citizenship; Energy
Here in Our Lady of Mercy
We’ve moved on to our next green theme
To work with our global neighbours in
Saving energy and keeping our world clean
Renewable energy is what we should choose,
so let’s turn our backs on fossil fuels.
Close the windows and let in the sun
A healthier environment for everyone
Meet our Green Committee for 2018-2020
Purple4Polio Campaign
It was lovely to see classes out planting crocus bulbs over the last few of November in support of the Purple4Polio Campaign organised by Rotary Clubs Ireland. These bulbs will come to full bloom next Spring, reminding us of the mission of Rotary to end polio for ever across the world. Special thanks to Ray for all his help with this project.
The Big Challenge
By way of supporting one of our previous Green Flag Themes, we joined up with An Taisce in early February 2019 with the Big Challenge. Girls were invited to make that extra effort and walk or scoot all of or part of the way to school. We were delighted to report our numbers rose from 129 the first day to 145 on the last day and we continue to encourage the girls to walk as much as they can and avoid taking the car.